ACC II Motors
The motors the ACC II system use are stepper motors. They are much more reliable than their predecessors. If they exhibit a problem, you might try spraying them with a good contact cleaner before condemning them. Make sure they are securely attached to their mounts, many times they can work loose. LocTite on their mounting screws can help the problem. Pay close attention to the pins in the connectors going to them, they can spread open or get pushed back in the connector and make intermittant contact. Tightening and cleaning the pins solves a lot of problems as well.

Before removing a distribution drum motor, make sure the climate control is set to HI and the key turned on in order for the system to position the flaps at this setting. Otherwise, you will experience difficultly reinstalling the motor. if a new motor is to be fitted, Plug it into the connector and turn the key on with the temp selected to HI to run it to a position where it will be easier to install.



To Temperature Control Flap Motor

To Distribution Drum Motor

To Recirculation Flap Motor

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